We Fight To Help You Get The SSD Or SSI Benefits You Deserve – Changing Lives For The Better

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When Is a Person Considered Disabled by the Social Security Administration?

The Social Security Administration uses a five-step process to decide if you are a disabled person and entitled to Social Security disability benefits: You must not be engaging in market-rate paid work; and You must have a serious illness or disability; and Your impairment must meet the definitions of disabled persons described in the Social Security regulations https://www.ssa.gov/disability/professionals/bluebook/AdultListings.htm”, or You…

How Does Social Security Disability Evaluate Cancer Cases?

Although a diagnosis of cancer often forces people to take a leave of absence from work, only a few people will actually qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Unfortunately, the Social Security Administration requires individuals with cancer to prove their disease will prevent them from maintaining employment for 12 months or more. The SSA has something called a Blue Book…

How to Qualify for SSD Benefits with a Herniated Disc?

It’s no secret that the human spine is made up of an intricate network of bones, nerves, spinal discs, muscles, flexible ligaments and tendons. It is designed to protect sensitive nerve roots and provide strength while remaining incredibly flexible. However, over time or due to injury, the delicate spinal discs that work to cushion the vertebrae can break down and…

Qualifying for Social Security Disability due to Low IQ

The Social Security Administration (SSA) recognizes that a medically documented case of mental impairment, such as low IQ, can be a disability qualifying for benefits. While many people with a low IQ disability can sometimes work full time positions and maintain gainful employment, there are still those that have difficulty holding a job due to the condition. Qualifying for Disability…

Understanding FICA Taxes and How They Affect You

One of the dominating parts of our working life is paying taxes, and part of those taxes are governed by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA). FICA is a federal payroll tax that applies to both employees and employers that funds benefits for retirees, disabilities and the children of people that have passed away. FICA also funds the Medicare health…

How to Apply for Disability in New York

If you live in the state of New York and are unable to work due to a severe illness or injury, you may be eligible for disability benefits. If you believe you fall into this category, follow the guidelines below to begin the application process. Determine Your Eligibility To be eligible for disability benefits, you must have a medical condition…

Slow Going With Your SSD Claim? Get Help From a Congressperson To Expedite Your Disability Claim!

When you are rendered partially or fully disabled by a serious illness or injury, your life can go through some dramatic and alarming changes. Going to work every day is no longer an option. Earning a living is not something you can do anymore, and you need to make sure that you get the treatment and medical care that you…

If I Qualify for SSD Disability, Will I Be Able To Get Food Stamps?

Navigating different types of government benefits is tough, and sometimes, it can be hard to tell whether you qualify for one type of program or another — many ask for different criteria, and some are administered by states while others by the federal government. One common point of confusion is between Social Security disability benefits and food stamps, which are…